A healthy Outlook

making an effort to find good in everything

Eat healthy be active July 25, 2008

Filed under: your personal health — healthychix @ 7:25 pm

Since I can remember I have always been interested in staying fit and healthy eating. Or I should say staying fit and thinking about eating healthy. So I have decided to make a conscience effort to change my ways. I want to not only feel and look better, but to have a healthy body. here our some facts I found.
One-third of Americans get 47 percent of their calories from junk food. These foods taste very good, so you tend to go to them when you’re stressed or haven’t planned out your meals. A basket of corn chips at a Mexican restaurant is 550 calories, two slices of pizza pack 1,000 calories. It adds up quickly. People forget what they ate yesterday, but it’s like a bank account: your body remembers. 

You can say something nice about anybody or anything. But the fact is that a sweet potato is a much better nutritional choice than a white potato. A medium white potato has about 220 calories. A medium sweet potato has 110, it has half the glycemic index, and it’s rich in beta carotene so it provides more quality in terms of cancer prevention.  

We all know citrus fruits are loaded with vitamin C, one orange has a whole day’s requirement.
Citrus juice contains flavonoids, this lowers the body’s production of cholesterol, inhibits blood clot formation and boosts the bang of vitamin C.
They’re also lowers cholesterol, maintains healthy blood sugar levels, and helps you to manage your weight.